I'm going to show you how to make three different cute wall decor ideas and I will show you how to make a photo display out of a hanger, then I'll show you how to make a frame art idea, and for the last DIY I will show you how to make a flower wreath.
All of these cute DIY wall decor ideas are perfect any room. They are all really easy room decor DIYs.
In the comments down below let me know which one of these DIYs is your favorite?
DIY Hanger Photo Display
For the first DIY I will show you how to make a photo display out of a hanger and you will need some pictures, a metal hanger, and some clothespins.
All you have to do is attach two to three pictures onto the hanger with the clothespins. You may have to bend the hook of the hanger so the hanger will hang straighter when it's hanging on the wall.
DIY Frame Art
For the second DIY I will show you how to make this frame art and you will need a picture frame, any type of design that you want printed onto a piece of paper, I made my design in Canva, a pencil, and scissors.
After you print out your design, you can trace the back of the frame around your design and then you can cut off the extra paper so the design can fit into the frame.
The last thing you have to do is to put the design into the frame.
DIY Flower Wreath
For the last DIY I will show how to make a flower wreath and you will need a embroidery hoop, ribbon, flowers, scissors, and a glue gun.
The first thing you want to do is take a piece of ribbon and tie a loop on the embroidery hoop so it can hang.
Then you want to take your flowers and pull the flowers off of the stems and if you need to you can cut the extra stem off with scissors.
Before you start gluing you want to place the flowers onto the embroidery hoop so you can see what it will look like.
The last thing you have to do is glue the flowers onto the embroidery hoop. If you want you can glue flowers all the around the embroidery hoop.
and that's it! In the comments down below let me know which one of these DIYs is your favorite?
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