Hello! Here you're going to learn how to make a leaf bowl out of air dry clay. You can put anything that you would like into your leaf clay bowl like a LED candle or jewelry and you can paint the bowl any color you want. It makes a great room decoration for fall and it's easy to make.
You can watch the video version here:
What You'll Need
Air dry clay
Parchment paper or newspaper
Rolling paper
x-acto knife or another type of knife
Scrap piece of paper
Plastic wrap

Now Lets Begin!
1. You want to start off by taking a piece of plastic wrap and placing it inside of a bowl. This will make it easier to pull the leaf out of the bowl when the clay is dry.

2. Then you want to take some air dry clay and roll it out onto a piece of parchment paper or on a piece of newspaper. Make sure leave the clay is thick enough so it won't break.
3. After you're done rolling out the clay, you can take a leaf and press into the clay with your finger or with a rolling pin.
4. When you're done pressing the leaf into the clay, you want to carefully go around the leaf with an x-acto knife or with another type of knife to cut off the extra clay. Make sure to be careful so you don't ruin your surface.
5. After you're done removing the extra clay, you can put a little bit of water on your finger and then you can smooth out the sides.

6. Then you can take the clay off of the paper and if you need to you can smooth out the bottom of the leaf with water and your finger so you can get rid of any cracks on the bottom and then you want to carefully place the clay inside of the bowl.
7. Once you have the clay sitting how you want it, you want to wait for the clay to dry. You want to follow the instructions on your air dry clay to figure out how long it will dry.

9. The last thing you can do is that you can layout a scrap piece of paper and paint the leaf any color you want.
I made two leaf bowls. I painted one completely gold and for the other one I only painted the sides and the bottom of the bowl gold.
You don't have to paint the bottom of your bowl. It's an optional step you can do.

When the paint is dry you can do whatever you would like with it. Like you can put a LED candle on it or you can put jewelry on it.
and that's how you make a leaf air dry clay bowl! I love how they turned out. Let me know what you think of these bowls in the comments down below.
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