Easy Halloween DIY Box

October 25, 2021

Halloween DIY orange box with a spider on the lid

Hi there! I wanted to show you how to make this simple box with a spider on the lid. It makes a perfect last minute decoration for Halloween.

It's also very customizable. For example you can paint patterns or use patterned paper on it to make it look unique. You can also put more than one spider on it.

If you would like to watch the video that has this DIY in it. You can watch my video on YouTube right here or you can read on.

If you want to read on, lets start off what you're going to need for this DIY.

What you'll need:

A box with a lid. My box came from Dollar Tree but you can use a box from anywhere.
Acrylic paint
Hot glue
Fake spider

Now when you have what you need for this DIY you can get started.

1. Paint it any color that you want. I painted mine orange.

2. When the paint is completely dry, you want to put glue on the bottom of a fake spider.

3. Place the spider on the middle of the lid of the box. 

Then you're all done with this simple box. You can use for anything you would like.

For example, you can put candy or small office supplies in it.

What do you think about this box? I love it and I think it looks really cute. I might be using it for my office supplies like paper clips in it and I might store some small candy in it too.

Easy Halloween DIY Box

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