Hi there! I wanted to make a Christmas wall decoration so I found a plain white canvas, plaid ribbon, and a flower pick to make a canvas that looks like a present. This gift wrapped canvas is easy to make and it shouldn't take you that long to make either.
You can customize it however you would like. You can change the color of the ribbon, add any type of flower you would like, and you can even paint the canvas or cover the canvas with wrapping paper.
Now to learn how to make this canvas, you can watch the video below or read on. This DIY starts at about 3:37.
What you're going to need:
Canvas of any size
Flower pick
Hot glue
Wire cutters
1. You want to start out by laying out a piece of ribbon across the middle of the canvas and you want both ends of this piece of ribbon to reach the back of the canvas.
Note: If you want to change the color of the canvas with paint or with wrapping paper, you want to do it now before going onto further steps.
2. When you're done figuring out how long you need the ribbon to be, you want to cut the ribbon.

3. After you're done cutting the ribbon, you want to keep the ribbon in the middle and flip the canvas over.
4. Then you want to glue both ends of the ribbon to the back of the canvas.

5. Now you want to do the same exact steps with the another piece of ribbon but you want this piece of ribbon to go the other way and cross in the middle of the canvas.

7. The last thing you want to do is that you can glue a bow over the bottom of the flower pick and you're done.

That's how you make a gift wrapped canvas wall decoration for Christmas!
Here's the final look in the picture below.
Now here's a close of up how the flower pick and bow look together. The flower pick I used has leaves, a flower, berries, and a tiny red Christmas present.
I'm so happy how this canvas turned out. I love the flower pick and I also love how the bow is the perfect size for the canvas.
What do you think about this canvas and will you be making one?
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